Building towards a healthy marriage
At Hulen Street we want to help engaged couples PREPARE for marriage, and married couples to ENRICH their marriages.
Marriage Mentors are Hulen Street couples who have been trained to use the Prepare & Enrich assessment to help couples identify areas of improvement and lean into areas of strength. You'll meet with your Marriage Mentors for eight 90-minute sessions on a schedule that is best for you.
Read below to learn more about our Marriage Mentorship and finding your Marriage Mentors.
Marriage Mentors are Hulen Street couples who have been trained to use the Prepare & Enrich assessment to help couples identify areas of improvement and lean into areas of strength. You'll meet with your Marriage Mentors for eight 90-minute sessions on a schedule that is best for you.
Read below to learn more about our Marriage Mentorship and finding your Marriage Mentors.

WHY 100?
We ask that every couple being mentored invest $100 in their marriage. Every dollar will go towards materials and meeting expenses over the eight sessions.
If you have a copy of a prior Prepare & Enrich Assessment or your previous facilitator has record of it, use the promo code 4EVER for a 50% discount at checkout of our registration form.
Prepare & Enrich is a Christian-based tool that helps couples identify areas of improvement and lean into areas of strength. An assessment is required to participate in Marriage Mentorship.
We know every couple is different and their schedules are different. Our Marriage Mentors will work with you on a consistent and flexible meeting schedule.